The presumably best music chart of each country was linked.
Last check of all set links: 01/17/2007
Status: in updating process
In case an official music chart of a country is not available online or is simply not existant, the chart of the most popular (in some cases semi-official) radio-airplay chart, or a popular music-chart conducted by a TV station of the respective country was linked.
A new window opens if you click on a link. Each additional chart-page you want to open by clicking it will load into that window.
Important: some pages you may open prompt you to download a windows-languagesoftware (China/Japan). We advise you not to install this software, because it is not necessarily needed for viewing the pages.

Some charts could not be linked directly by using a deep-link. In order to get to the chart wanted, you may check the page for the link (each page linked contains a lead to a music-chart!).
As you may not know the German name for a country, each german name is followed by the International Abbreveation Code for that country.